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Troubleshooting and Support

That’s ok. This is a liveness probe for SSH server, which makes a Pod to restart if it’s failed for whatever reason.

Check that your image contains SSH server. The problem with the third-party Docker image is that Puzl cannot know which software is installed inside. So if Docker image does not have SSH server pre-configured, Puzl cannot provide SSH access to a container. But since Puzl is based on Kubernetes, you still can access your container’s shell in runtime by using the kubectl tool.

Docker containers should have only one entry point (one root process running inside) by its design. Therefore, if you run a code from your git repo, you can not run ssh server in parallel at the same time. You can access your container’s shell in runtime by using the kubectl tool.

Please, check that you have added an SSH key and it is valid.

If you are adding a key and the Pod is already running, it may take up to 2 minutes to process the new key inside the containers of your pod.

Try the following steps:

  1. Remove all keys from your Security route and leave only one in format ssh-rsa AAAAB3....
  2. Make sure that the private key, paired with your public key from point (1) is presented inside the .ssh directory of your user on your local machine.
  3. Create a Pod with ssh access from a page of any of your volumes.
  4. Try to connect to your Pod by ssh using the info, provided on the volume’s page in the block Access your Volume via SSH.

If you still experience an issue, please, contact the support team.

Creating resources in Kubernetes requires careful attention to detail, particularly regarding the correct syntax and avoiding conflicts with existing resources.

  • It's essential to adhere to the correct YAML syntax and follow the specified resource specifications when creating resources in Kubernetes.
  • Before creating new resources, check for any existing resources that might have the same name to avoid conflicts.

Contact the support team for assistance if you encounter issues with resource creation or need higher resource quotas and/or resource limits.

Instantly failing pods are a common issue in containerized environments. Understanding the reasons behind these failures is key to troubleshooting.

Checking logs is the first step to diagnosing issues with instantly failing pods. To do that, click button View Logs on the Pod's page. The logs can provide valuable error messages that point to the cause of the failure.

Most probably, platform was not able to clone your Docker image or launch container with it. It may happen if you set invalid entry point for your container, or the entry point of your container contains a code, which can not be executed correctly.

If your repository is failing to run in a container, you may check out our example server as a working reference.

To assess the exact problem, you may check Pod's data in Kubernetes dashboard:

  1. From the Pod's page click button View In Kubernetes.

  2. Click on the pencil icon in the top menu (on the blue background) to see Pod configuration.

  3. Find the row containerStatuses - it should contain error code and an explanatory message.

It's important to validate your resource requests and limits. In might happen that you set too low limit for the memory resource for one or more containers within your pod configuration.

Puzl offers multiple channels for support, catering to various user needs and ensuring timely resolution of issues.

  • Users can reach out for support via email or the support ticket system available on the platform.
  • The response time for support queries may vary depending on the issue's complexity, but Puzl endeavors to respond no later than 2 business days.

For users requiring more immediate assistance, Puzl offers dedicated support plans with higher SLA levels. Please contact us for the detailed information.